A Regional Digital Twin (DT) for climate adaptation and green business development is been implemented in the Attica region in Greece, in the framework of the IMPETUS project. This platform is built on real time data of initiatives and solutions implemented and tested in Attica to create a central hub for knowledge and experience to be turned into action in a co-creation process with the interested parties and the policy makers.
In principle, the DT presents the scope but also the operation of various climate adaptation innovations and pilot projects both created in IMPETUS and in other projects. The main idea is to provide appropriate, ideally real time data to support climate change adaptation efforts and improve the resilience of the Attica Region. The ultimate goal is to support strategic climate adaptation planning according to the impacts of extreme weather events and other climate change related factors, focusing on the identification of the most vulnerable areas of the Region.
Descriptive element of the basic concept of the implemented solutions for the adaptation of the Attica Region to climate change
Continuous presentation and updating of digital data of the applications and the solutions as an element of maturity and reliability
Visualization of the real time presentation of the solutions
Training and engagement of stakeholders and policy makers for the transfer of knowledge and adaptation of the implemented solutions to the specific needs of each particular area.
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